I meant to post an entry yesterday but didn't have a chance to.
Anyway, it's true when they say that a pregnant woman's "nesting instnict" comes when she's about to give birth soon. I'm on my 34th week of pregnancy and yesterday I started washing baby clothes that we received from my (2) baby showers. The first one was in New Jersey when we celebrated Christmas Eve/Day with my family. My aunts and cousins brought their gifts - crib, playard, car seat, basinet, diapers, bottles, clothes, blankets, etc. Then the second bay shower was 2 weeks ago with our friends. It was really nice to see our friends and everybody else. We received more clothes, blankets, diapers, toys, etc. Basically we have almost everything. Though we're missing some essentials, I used the giftcards we received and bought them online yesterday.
Speaking of online shopping, I picked up a bad bad habit again. Online shopping. Since working from home, I feel like I'm on a house arrest, minus the ankle bracelet. One time my bestfriend picked me up and we went out for lunch and I tagged along with them to deliver a gift and I was bombarded by emails from my manager and co-worker. SMH. It really pissed me off, they came really wrong to me. Yeah I admit that I was still "under clock" but if you've read the emails they both sent me, you would be really upset too. And the thing is, they don't really need me like that. A request was not that important that cannot wait to be done after a couple of hours. I was literally pissed off. So yeah, this is one thing that came bad from working from home. You don't know what's going on around the office, people get envious of the fact that you are home and you are not aware of who's talking who behind your back. When I'm at work, I work. I'm probably the most unfriendliest person in the office. I do not go out to lunch with anyone unless its a department lunch that I have to go to. So I know the only reason talk behind somebody's back is for office politics. LOL, like they're gonna win an award or something. I really could care less, it's just work. I once received one of those forwarded emails. At the bottom it says something that when you're gone, your job can replace you the next day but your family can never replace you. It's something like that, you know what I'm trying to say. So anyway, online shopping kept me sane while working from home.
My doctor sent me to the hospital again 2 Thursdays ago, of course due to high blood pressure. I told him that he makes me nervous, LOL. It's true, I get to the office mad tense. As much as I try to relax, I dunno why I can't. So anyway, we had to spend half a night to the hospital to monitor me and the baby. We're both okay, but I know it's better to be on the safe side.
I'm out. Gonna try to relax, I'm having headache since last night.