I have been using Pantene Conditioners for years now and since I had my hair colored last December and had highlights earlier this month, I know I gotta take care of it now and treat it. A few weeks ago during my Lush haul, I bought H’Suan Wen Hua ($16.45). Lush website best describes it, "Nourishes hungry, dry, out-of-condition hair. Named after the Cantonese god of hair, H'Suan Wen Hua gives unrivalled softness to dry or curly hair. This leave-in treatment smells a bit like salad dressing which is one of the reasons why it's best to wash it out thoroughly. But after it's soaked right in, swamping your locks with vitamin-rich watercress, protein-packed free range eggs, mucilaginous bananas and nutritious avocados, you'll forgive its funny smell."

I totally agree that it leaves a funny smell but Frederic Fekkai Technician Conditioner For Dry, Damaged, Color-Treated Hair ($32.50) smells so damn good so I use the Fekkai conditioner right after I treat my hair with the Lush leave-in treatment! Of course I still blow dry my hair and use ghd’s Flat Iron ($235.00)
I would totally recommend the Lush leave-in treatment (you let the conditioner sit on your hair for a good 5 minutes then rinse it off) with the Fekkai conditioner. Yes, the Fekkai is a bit pricey but it is definitely worth every penny, especially for color treated hair.