I turned 29 yesterday, yikes! (It'll take me a while to keep saying 29 now haha!)
So yeah, another year added and I am very thankful and blessed for having such a great family and wonderful people around me. Thank you Lord!
Of course we kicked off my birthday celebration with the Miami vacation (will get details on that on the next post). Got back Saturday and wow JFK is freakin ridic. We already landed and was just waiting to get out but we were stranded there for like 30 minutes or so. Then waiting for the luggage was another 30 minutes wasted. Vacation was great but as soon as you smell the NYC air, you get back aggravated and stressed. So anyway, my mom gave me and my aunt a lil birthday party Sunday (28th) after our church service. My cousin and aunt from CT stopped by as well as my other relatives around Queens. Made plans to go on vacation with him and my brother, they both want to go to the westcoast LOL. I have mixed feelings about it but I'll go, whatever. BF came Sunday night to greet me happy birthday before midnight. Aww so sweet LOL, handed me his present. He fooled me big time saying he's giving me a MAC gift card. I swear when he told me that like a week before we're leaving for Miami I have the "WTF look" on my face. Like - "really? are you serious?" LMAO. I don't really care what he gets me, it's the thought that counts. Anyway, I was off yesterday for my birthday and my BFF wanna go out for lunch or whatever but I was feeling mad lazy and tired soooo... I stayed in bed all day! It was great though! Then my parents and brother picked me up to take me out to dinner. We went to East Manor, which is five minute drive from me. The food wasn't as good as how it was when we went there for my dad's birthday last year. But whatever, I enjoyed my time with my family.
Okay, that wasn't a five minute post LOL. Gotta go back to work now :(
PS: My face is breaking out due to sun or sea water or both! And it's peeling too. Bummer! I didn't get too dark though, which is good. But I had a nice color now, not pale anymore, w00t!
The moment that I step outside
So many reasons
For me to run and hide
I can't do the little things I hold so dear
'Cause it's all those little things
That I fear - No Doubt
BTW, thanks for all the birthday greetings via email, text, twitter, facebook, etc. You guys rock!
He got me this cute Tiffany bracelet, I love it! Thanks babe.
(A lot of people say I have a skinny wrist, and I agree LOL)
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